Most of us need to work to earn money so we can survive and thrive. There is a point when workaholism can take over our lives.
So how do we know when to slow down at work? How do we know when to enjoy the fruits of our labor?
To help us answer these difficult questions, I’ve invited Author Manisha Thakor on the show. Manisha has worked in financial services for more than thirty years and has recently written a book called MoneyZen: The Secret to Finding Your “Enough”. After battling with workaholism and the life-altering challenges that came with it, Manisha is sounding the alarm on when to say enough is enough.
Overview: Fighting Workaholism and the Cult of Never Enough w/ Manisha Thakor
Manisha Thakor reviews the following:
- Why our society has an obsession with “more”
- How her workaholism nearly ended her life
- Why asking “why” 3-5 times could be the simplest solution to our workaholism problems
Key Takeaways on Workaholism
Here are my top three takeaways from my conversation with Manisha Thakor.
Workaholism Can Drain You
Overworking can cause major health problems, it can damage your marriage and it can affect your relationships as well.
These areas of our lives keep us breathing or they are the things that keep us happy.
Purely recognizing the adverse effects of workaholism is the first step to improvement.
Make Time To Consider How You’ll Change
This is your life we’re talking about here.
If you’re not happy with how it’s going and you’re working too much … it’s time to make a change.
- What steps can you take to dial back your work this week?
- Can you automate or delegate tasks that free up more of your time at work or in your small business?
- Are you in a toxic work environment where a “never enough” culture persists?
Take some time to think about these things and decide on steps you can take to get your time, your health and your important relationships back.
Increase Your Emotional Wealth
Remember fun? Remember joy? Relaxation?
Let’s get that stuff back in our lives!
As you start to find ways to decrease your workweek responsibilities and the stress that comes along with it … you need to look for ways to fill that open time with quality relationships and activities that make you happy.
This could be a turning point in your life (just like Manisha had) where you take control of your life and make it one you’re excited about living.
Guest Bio – Manisha Thakor

Manisha Thakor has worked in financial services for more than thirty years, with an emphasis on women’s economic empowerment and financial well-being.
A nationally recognized thought leader in this space, Thakor has been featured in a wide range of publications including the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, NPR, PBS, CNN, Real Simple, and Women’s Health.
Before writing MoneyZen: The Secret to Finding Your “Enough”, Thakor co-authored two personal finance books for women in their twenties and thirties. Today her work focuses on helping people of all ages to balance financial health and emotional wealth. Thakor earned her MBA from Harvard Business School, her BA from Wellesley College and is both a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). She splits her time between Portland, Oregon and rural Maine.
Podcast Resources:
- Make My Kid a Millionaire Course: Want to make your kid a millionaire? Learn more about my course!
- Family Wealth + Happiness Guidebook: Get the 10 steps to young family wealth and happiness for free by signing up for our bi-weekly newsletter. This 39-page PDF gives the tools, guidance and resources to achieve your own version of family financial independence.
- MKM Coaching: Looking for someone to walk alongside you on your financial independence journey? Book some time on my calendar today.
- Corporate Financial Wellness Presentation: Contact me to discuss how I can support your company's overall financial wellness.
- Recommended Resources: You won’t reach your financial goals without the right tools. Here are my suggestions!
Carpe Diem Quote:
“The focus is what is right before you – to give it your best. It sows the seeds of tomorrow.”
Kiran Bedi
What do you think of the advice from Manisha Thakor? Are you struggling with workaholism and the cult of never enough?
Please let us know in the comments below.