Andy Hill, AFC® is the award-winning family finance coach behind Marriage Kids and Money - a platform dedicated to helping families build wealth and happiness.

With millions of podcast downloads and video views, Andy’s message of family financial empowerment has resonated with listeners, readers and viewers across the world.

When he's not "talking money", Andy enjoys being a Soccer Dad, singing karaoke with his wife and relaxing on his hammock.

Andy's latest articles

Couple laptop wine

Best Budget Apps for Couples (2024)

You know that building a budget is important, but it can be overwhelming knowing where to start. Things can feel even more complicated when you’re managing money as a couple. That’s why you need our best budget apps for couples list!  We break down the best features of some of the most popular budgeting apps….

200 Quotes about Money and Personal Finance to Inspire You

There’s just something about a good quote that motivates me. Since I’m into personal finance, quotes about money and personal finance quotes are especially inspiring. After each episode of my podcast, I share a quote that motivates me and the listeners to take action. I call them my “Carpe Diem” quotes because I feel like…

Couple looking at laptop

Recasting vs. Refinancing: Which Mortgage Option is Better?

Paying off your mortgage is a huge milestone! Whether you aim to pay your mortgage right on time or you plan to pay off your mortgage early, there are different strategies that you can use on your journey. When deciding on a mortgage payoff strategy, that often churns up the great debate of recasting vs….

Holding hands in marriage

95 Quotes About Marriage and Money

Marriage is a big step for many couples, especially when it comes to finances. In fact, fighting about money is often cited as a strong predictor of divorce. That’s where quotes about marriage and money can help set the tone and even break the ice on these weighty topics.   There’s no one-size-fits-all guide to money…

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Top 100 Quotes About Money and Happiness

Does money buy happiness? It’s a hotly debated topic. Some say no, others say yes. These quotes about money and happiness show just how divided we can be on the subject. Here are a few categories I’ll touch on: Check out these 100 quotes about money and happiness to see where they both fit into…

Playbook Review 2024: A Step-by-Step Personalized Investing Platform

Playbook Review 2024: Step-by-Step Personalized Investing Platform

UPDATE: According to their website, Playbook will be shutting down by October 31st, 2024 Maybe you’ve scored the job you’ve always wanted or you just landed a raise. You’re making more money than ever before. Do you wonder if you’re headed in the right direction? Do you feel like your taxes are growing faster than…

Family Finance Areas of Focus

  • Generational Wealth
  • Marriage and Money
  • Financial Independence

Education and Credentials

  • BA in Communications, Michigan State University
  • MBA, Marketing, University of Michigan-Deaborn
  • AFC (Accredited Financial Counselor)
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